There are a few projects I am working on that I hope to have posted soon.

First one is a research on ping backs for mass spamming

Second is manipulating the media via Twitter, here is a preview:

As in the popular saying, “Hindsight is 20/20,” we can all look back at opportunities we had to invest in ways to make large profits. In the last 5 years alone investing in IBM would net you a 75% increase, Google 92%, and Apple 480%. The unknown is what makes it a gamble, and keeps most from being confident in placing their money in the market. Now what if we could make a social engineering hack, one that could manipulate stock prices, using a simple tweet such as:

Tomorrow is going to be a rough day, maybe I should call in sick.”

The idea first came about in 2008 when the Google news aggregator pushed a story about United Airlines declaring bankruptcy. The story circulated in a matter of minutes causing United’s stock to plummet just over 75%. The problem was the story was published 6 years earlier by the Sun Sentinel, but when Google ran across it there was no date, so it assigned it the current date, and pushed it out. Over 15 million shares were sold by 11am forcing the NYSE to halt trading of United’s stock. At that point I wondered how fragile is the stock market, and what could I possibly do to manipulate it. This is how to make that happen, hypothetically of course.